fool with a goat

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Foundation for Life, Earth and Health (1994-2012)

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Foundation for Life, Earth and Health (1994-2012)

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Foundation for Life, Earth and Health (1994-2012)

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Foundation for Life, Earth and Health (1994-2012)

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Foundation for Life, Earth and Health (1994-2012)

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Foundation for Life, Earth and Health (1994-2012)

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Can be used as a reference!

Some supporting statements. Even from people who, because of their position, could not have given.

You can read some really interesting, even instructive, little stories about the circumstances of the (enlarged) statements of support.

Supporting Letters

1. I've got this letter of support from the Mayor of Kaposvár.
Interestingly, we didn't have a very good relationship at first, because I'm quite outspoken. At the same time, he did not miss any major events, and when I opened the first and only 'Healing Nourishments' restaurant in the country with my foundation, he accepted an invitation to the opening, where he was a guest of honour among people of high standing.
Before the performance, I snuck up to him and asked him privately.:
- Charles, would you please listen and decide not as a mayor, but as a private citizen? - You're not worth it with a hairy head! - he said to me, and took a seat."
I really understood Him. My free-thinking, my lack of education, my style of dress (I never attached much importance to dress code. Comfort was more important), set the image of my person back.
I've had my say, and a small miracle has happened. He came up to me, shook my hand and said. I'll help you as much as I can."
He put it away. Not only did he give a statement of support, but he gave all the money he could from his modest budget. Thank you again, Charles!
Why did I write it down? Because it can be interesting and informative! "Never say never!

Supporting Letters

Dr. Zsuzsanna Halász was my doctor. She was from Transylvania. She was thorough and kind in her work. She was aware that I had been given up on by the doctors, but at the same time she let me try to heal through other means. Not that he let me, but when I succeeded and survived, overcoming his ego, he even sent others to me who had been abandoned by medicine.
She was open to natural remedies, we even organised a joint programme in the clinic where we used iris diagnostics to assess the patients' condition.
He described my illness as "seeming" incurable, but it was "CURABLE". He put it like that because I was there as an example that there is a way out in many cases, even when doctors can't help.
I note that to this day it is believed that what was a disease to me is incurable, short-lived, and ends in death..

Supporting Letters

Dr István Holló was the dean of a world famous university in Kaposvár. This statement of support opened many doors, especially in the education sector.
The interesting thing about this statement is that when I logged on to him on behalf of the foundation and he accepted, he said at the very beginning, "Mr. Strong! I have a maximum of twenty minutes for you, I hope that's enough?" "Mr. Dean," I said to him as I set my laptop on the table with my Healing Foods lecture material, in the form of a slide show.
I'll start saying what I want, you tell me when to close the laptop and I'll leave. We sat down and I started to say what I had to say, while he asked me a lot of questions without even noticing, that it had been over two and a half hours since we sat down. When we finished, he stood up and said: "Mr. Strong, I don't care that you have eight years of secondary school, people need to know about this!
That's how I was able to give a lecture at a university, and to give further lectures in a number of public schools. on the relationship between disease and nutrition.

Supporting Letters

Kálmán Torma was my boss, and he became a very good friend in the meantime. He was one of those rare people, who didn't have a head for power. He treated his employees as equals and everyone respected his humanity.
The foundation through which I have spent more than twenty years trying to help people so that they don't fall into my fate, He put it in my hands and supported my work for the rest of his life.
He knew very well that I was recovering from a disease that medical science has been unable to help me with to this day. When I returned to work after a year of illness, he saw what I was spending my money on and called me into the office where he was waiting with a lawyer. He said, " Győző! We decided to give you a foundation and you should continue your activities within its framework. We have decided to set up a foundation for you, and we will take care of the rest. I said the name almost without thinking: "Foundation for Life, for the Earth, for Health."
So, I owe a lot to Kálmán Torma, whom I knew as a friend.

Supporting Letters

Dr Klára Kartai was the director of the County Health Fund. Due to her position, she was not allowed to issue a statement of support, but she did, saying that she could not help me in my endeavours. Thank you again!

Supporting Letters

Zsóka Nagy was a correspondent for MTI (Hungarian News Agency). She was also not allowed to issue a statement of support, due to her position, as she could not take an official position in favour of anyone or anything. I also owe him my thanks. Thank you, Zsóka!

Supporting Letters

Dr Györgyné Alpár was the Wholesale Pharmaceuticals Manager. She knew my activities well. When it came to the declaration of support, she said: "Győző! This is a pharmaceutical company. What do you think they would say if I supported the activities of a man who propagates natural ways of life and healing? But you know what? I'm going to retire soon anyway, at least..." - and issued a statement of support. Thank you!

Supporting Letters

Dr. István Gyenesei was the Chairman of the County Assembly and later a Member of Parliament. I think we were on good terms, as he once invited me to give a small lecture to the mayors of the county. I accepted the invitation. There were at least 100 mayors waiting and a table covered with velvet blankets. Among the leaders, with a sign saying where I was sitting at the table in front of the mayors. I, not disguising myself, appeared in a T-shirt and leisure suit, among the representatives in suits. When the programme was over, I went up to him and said: 'Are you angry, Istvan? "Ah, no! I knew what you were like. - He replied." Thank you for not judging what I represented there by my appearance!

Supporting Letters

Mrs Éva Merics, a kindergarten teacher. Thank you!

Supporting Letters

Gyulán Fekete was also the head of a kindergarten in Kaposvár. She is a kind and very honest person. Why do I say this? Well, it happened once that I thought I would equip - or at least organise - the children's, and educational institutions with water purification devices, because our drinking water is quite contaminated, and it's a source of a lot of disease. At the time, I was also selling water purifiers alongside my work, the proceeds of which I used to finance the ideas of my foundation.
I contacted 35 heads of children's and educational institutions, with a letter to parents in hand, drawing their attention to many facts about the poor quality of drinking water and its impact on their children. I asked the leaders to read the letter to parents at a parents' meeting and decide, whether to pay a few hundred forints to protect their children's health. He also made a promise to the leaders, that if I don't raise the money it will cost, I'll make up for it. I thought I would do it from the profit that was made when the full purchase price was paid.
The idea was a good one, but unfortunately the managers of the institution did not buy the water purifiers from me, but from an acquaintance, a dad, who was also involved in this. He used to go to one of the schools, another one was his child, the third one was a friend, etc. The point is that there was no director, who bought the equipment from me. I mean, there was one! The publisher of this statement of support. I was surprised when he called to tell me that we got the money.
Needless to say, the leaders of the institutions that did not come up with the full purchase price found me, to collect on my promise and make up tens of thousands of dollars of the shortfall. I was well and truly broke, but because I had promised, I even took the money I had saved for my child's clothes out of the closet. True, I had to promise my wife that I would stop here and not take any more from the family coffers, I'll only spend the money I can earn while working or as a subsidy.
You can feel that I'm not just thanking Him for the statement of support!? He also had an interesting programme, which you can read about in my book "The Way", when it is finished.

Supporting Letters

János Lengyel was deputy editor-in-chief of the Somogy Megyei Hírlap. Thank you, János!

Supporting Letters

Kálmán Torma is the director of Kapos Volán RT. I have already written about him. Here I just thank you again for everything.

Supporting Letters

Dr István Gyenesei is the "President of the County Assembly. Thank you for your support!