fool with a goat

conducted events: below!

Foundation for Life, Earth and Health (1994-2012)

conducted events: below!

Foundation for Life, Earth and Health (1994-2012)

conducted events: below!

Foundation for Life, Earth and Health (1994-2012)

conducted events: below!

Foundation for Life, Earth and Health (1994-2012)

conducted events: below!

Foundation for Life, Earth and Health (1994-2012)

conducted events: below!

Foundation for Life, Earth and Health (1994-2012)


programmes conducted by the LEH Foundation

programmes conducted by the Foundation for Life, Earth and Health

Doctor naturopath meeting (1998. szeptember 19-20. szombat-vasárnap, K.vár, EDOSZ Művház).
Secrets of a life without illness and pain (28.11.1998, Central House of Culture, K. Castle)
Lifestyle Show (09.10.1999. Kaposvár sports hall)
Allergy advice (20.01.2000. 20.01.2000. Kaposvár Herbaria)
Herb tour (2000.06.24. Töröcske)