Doctor naturopath meeting
(1998. szeptember 19-20. szombat-vasárnap, K.vár, EDOSZ Művház).
Secrets of a life without illness and pain (28.11.1998, Central House of Culture, K. Castle)
Lifestyle Show (09.10.1999. Kaposvár sports hall)
Allergy advice (20.01.2000. 20.01.2000. Kaposvár Herbaria)
Herb tour (2000.06.24. Töröcske)
Programme group (2000.05.-07-ig)
Wheatgrass therapy (30.01.2002. Kaposvár Cultural Centre)
"Wonderbirds" (17.03.-09.06.2000 Kapos Hotel)
A heart chakra awakening (23.07.2000. Kaposvár MÁV boarding school)
Sunny Days (27.04.2003. Németh István School, Kaposvár)
Initiation and enlightenment in the light of spiritual science, karma (27.08.2003. Kaposvár MÁV Boarding School)
The way to health and happiness (01.02.2004. Culture House)
Health food, health screening (09.08.2004. Culture House)
Road to health programme series (Lengyeltóti 01.03.2004. Lengyeltóti Cultural Centre)
Road to Health Programme (Zselickislak 7 March 2004 Zselickislak, House of Culture)
Road to Health Programme (Somogytúr 25 March 2004, Somogytúr, House of Culture)
Health food kitchen (Somogytúr 2004. March Location: Somogytúr)
Road to Health (Magyaratád 1 May 2004 Magyaratád, House of Culture)
Road to health ... (Kaposfő 15 May 2004 17.00 Kaposfő - Műv. Ház)
Road to health ... (Kaposmérő 22. 05. 05. 2004 - House of Culture)
Tasting (Kaposszentjakab 01.06.2004 Kaposszentjakab - Cultural House)
Greasy Bread Party (Dombóvár - Garden City 05.06.2004 (Saturday) Dombóvár Garden City)
Road to Health (Dombóvár 17 June 2004 Dombóvár, House of Culture)
Village Day (Somogytúr 13.08.2004 Somogytúr, Culture House)
Road to Health (Igal 15.09.2004 Igal, House of Culture)
Autumn Health Day (Dombóvár 02.10.2004. Dombóvár, House of Culture)
Paradigm Day (Kaposvár 16.10.2004.Kaposvár, MÁV Boarding School)
Asthma Club (Dombóvár 19 October 2004, Dombóvár, House of Culture)
Mihály Munkácsy High School (16 November 2004, Kaposvár, Kaposvár, Munkácsy Mihály High School)
Móricz Zsigmond Cultural House Kaposvár (13.02.2005 Kaposvár, Móricz Zsigmond Cultural House)
Lecture for the Management of Kapos Volán Rt. (07.02.2005 Balatonföldvár, Jogar Hotel)
Zsigmond Móricz House of Culture (13.02.2005 Kaposvár, Zsigmond Móricz House of Culture)
House of Culture (18 February 2005 House of Culture)
Kapovári M.G. University (28th February 2005, Kaposvár)
Kaposvári M.G. University (02. 03. 2005 Kaposvár)
Kaposvári II. Rákóczi Ferenc Ált. Isk. (2005.03.21. Kaposvár)
Kapos Volán Rt. employees 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, (01.03.2005-2005.04.01. Kaposvár, Kapos Volán Rt.)
Kaposvár Móricz Zsigmond Culture House 02.04.2005.
Kaposvár County Library (10 May 2005, Kaposvár)
Mosdós, Lung and Heart Hospital (children's camp) (Thursday 23 June 2005, 9.00 a.m.)
Mosdós, Lung and Heart Hospital (adult camp) (Thursday 11 August 2005, 10.00 a.m.)
Nagybajom, House of Culture (Youth Anti-Drug Day) 13 August 2005 3.30 p.m.
Among doctors, in the Együd Árpád Culture House in Kaposvár 24 September 2005
The way out of depression, illnesses and hopeless situations
((Lecture series Part I) 5 October 2005.
How to prepare our food? ("Introduction to the reform kitchen")
Kaposvári Móricz Zsigmond Cultural House 22 October 2005.
"The way out of illnesses, depression and hopeless situations" Nagyberki, Culture House 14.12.2005 (Wednesday) 11.00 a.m.
"Who am I, and why is the world like this?"
"The way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations", Somogyjád, (Cultural Centre) 16 January 2006, 17.00.
"The way out of illnesses, depression and hopeless situations" Böhönye (House of Culture) 18 January 2006 at 18.00
"Who am I and why is the world like this?" Böhönye (House of Culture) 23 January 2006, 6.00 p.m.
"Who am I, and why is the world like this?" in the Együd Árpád Culture House of Kaposvár 25 January 2006, 6.00 p.m., room 19
"About God as we have never heard" entitled Böhönye (Cultural House) 30 January 2006, 6.00 p.m.
"The way out of illnesses, depression and hopeless situations" Hot (Borsod County) House of Culture 01 February 2006, 18. 00.
"The way out of illnesses, depression and hopeless situations" Pétervására (Borsod County) Cultural Centre February 02, 2006 10.00 a.m.
"The way out of illnesses, depression and hopeless situations" Kázsmárk (Borsod County) Cultural Centre 02 February 2006, 18. 00.
"The way out of illnesses, depression and hopeless situations" Emőd (Borsod County) House of Culture 03 February 2006 14.00.
"The way out of illnesses, depression and hopeless situations" Emőd (Borsod County) House of Culture 03 February 2006, 18.00.
"The way out of illnesses, depression and hopeless situations" Onga (Borsod County) House of Culture 04 February 2006, 18.00.
"The way out of illnesses, depression and hopeless situations" Szentbalázs (Somogy) Primary School 06 February 2006 11.30 a.m.
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
with the title
Szentbalázs (Somogy) Primary School
07 February 2006 12.30 pm
"Who am I and why is the world like this?"
Árpád Együd Cultural House in Kaposvár
February, 08., 2006 18.00. o'clock
Room 19
"The way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
with the title
Cserénfa (Somogy) House of Culture
09 February 2006, 18.00.
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
with the title
Zimány (House of Culture)
13 February 2006, 6.00 p.m.
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
Cserkút (Baranya) Culture House
20 February 2006, 6.00 p.m.
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
with the title
Nagybajom (Somogy) House of Culture
21 February 2006, 6.00 p.m.
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
with the title
Pogány (Baranya) Culture House
22 February 2006, 6.00 p.m.
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
with the title
Várda (Somogy) House of Culture
01 March 2006, 18.00.
"Who am I and why is the world like this?"
with the title
Várda, Amber Restaurant
21 March 2006, 5.30 p.m.
"Let's cook together, healthy food!"
Castle, Amber Restaurant
21 March 2006, 6.30 pm
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
Csurgó House of Culture
28.03.2006, 2 p.m.
Reform food tasting!
Rákóczi Ferenc II Primary School
29 March 2006, 2 p.m.
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Szigetvár Cultural Centre
29 March 2006, 6 pm
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Együd Árpád Cultural House in Kaposvár
30 March 2006 17. 30. hour
Room 19
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With title
Kaposfüred Sports Hall
02.04.2006 13 hrs.
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Hernádszentandrás Cultural Centre
2006. 04.03. 17 hrs
"Who am I and why is the world like this?"
With title
Forró House of Culture
04. 04. 04. 2006, 6 pm
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
Boldogkövára House of Culture
05.04.2006, 6 pm
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With title
Nyéklédháza House of Culture
05.04.2006 10 am
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With title
Hernádvécse House of Culture
06.04.2006 13:30 hrs
"Who am I and why is the world like this?"
With title
Emöd House of Culture
07.04.2006 14:14 pm
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
Zimány House of Culture
12.04.2006, 7 pm
Who am I and why is the world like this?"
With the title
Cserkút House of Culture
18.04.2006, 6 p.m.
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
Böhönye club
Cooking a health food
19.04.2006, 6 pm
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With title
21.04.2006 10 am
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With title
Kapósfő House of Culture
24.04.2006 17:30 h
A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Kinizsi Residential Primary School
26.04.2006 9:00 am
10 am
"About God as we have never heard"
With the title
Together Árpád House of Culture
27.04.2006 17:30. hour
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Rákóczi Ferenc II Primary School
03 May 2006, 14.00 hrs.
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
04 May 2006 12.00 noon
13 hrs
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With title
Széchenyi István Trade and Hospitality Industry Vocational School
5 May 2006 9th class
"The way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
House of Culture
9 May 2006 17.00 hrs
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Rákóczi Ferenc II Primary School
10 May 2006, 14.00 hrs.
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
House of Culture
11 May 2006, 18.00 hrs.
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With title
House of Culture
15 May 2006 at 18.00
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With title
19 May 2006, 18.00 hrs.
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
22 May 2006, 18.00 hrs.
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Somogyjád House of Culture
23 May 2006 18. 00 hrs
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Attala House of Culture
29 May 2006 19.00 pm
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Somogyapáti House of Culture
31 May 2006 18. 00 hrs
"The Way"
Interactive presentation. Anyone can intervene, ask questions, guide the course of the lecture.
Do you have a "path" and a mission here on earth to follow, and if so, what might it be?
Kaposvár, Pécsi u. 209.
30.10.2007, 18.00 hrs.
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
Kaposvár, Pécsi u. 209.
24.11.2007. 18.00 h.
- 21 November 2014 NGO, MMSZ Social Marketing Section event, (Food tasting for our existence)
- 26 August 2014 (Tuesday) 19:00 Székesfehérvár, Országzászló tér, (in case of rain: Miss Tee Teabolt, Székesfehérvár, Ady Endre u. 32. 1st floor)
- Tuesday 15 July 2014 Nádasdy Restaurant Sárvár Nádasdy utca 64. 18:00 h
- 2014 16 July Wednesday Nádasdy Restaurant Sárvár Nádasdy utca 64. 18:00
- 2014 July 17. thursdayHerényiek Háza Szombathely Béke tér. 7. 18:00 h
Life Today, Life Tomorrow. Come find out what you live in, what is waiting for you. With tasting
- Friday 18 July 2014 Kristóf József Nádasdy u. 9. 10:00 am
- 28-29.06.2014 Kosd. Village Day
- 28.06.2014 (Saturday) 14.30 h 5310 Tata, Váralja u. 2-4.
- 02.07.2014 (Wednesday) 10.00 h. 8172 Balatonakarattya Koppány row 41.
- 19.06.2014 (Thursday) 6.00 p.m. 6440 Jánoshalma, Kossuth u. 3.
- 29. 05. 2014 (Thursday). 11.00. 4024 Debrecen, Piac utca 26/a III. floor (Berki Lászlóné)
- 28.05.2014.(Wednesday) 18.00 h 5310 Kisújszállás, Petőfi utca 5.
-15 May 2014 (Thursday), 6:00 pm. 6500 Baja, Széchenyi István u. 6.
- 12.04.2014. de. 10 am Bezi Municipality, 9162 Bezi, Szabadság út 59.
- 2014.04.12. 14 h Markotabödöge, Pensioners Club 9164 Markotabödöge, Fő út (1. and 2.)
- 2014.04.12. 17 h Győrsövényház IKSZT new building, 9161 Győrsövényház, Gárdonyi út 6.
- 2014.04.13. 16 h Fehértó Ökormányzat Great Hall, 9163 Fehértó, Dózsa tér 5.
- 2014.04.13. 17.30 h Lébény IKSZT Community House, 9155 Lébény, Akácfa u. 76.
- Saturday, 29 March 2014, 15:40-16:30. Budapest 1062 Andrássy u. 98.
- 16 February 2014 (Sunday) 5.30 pm. Budapest, Alkotás u. 7/a 1st floor (bell with flowers)
- 20 February 2014 at 18.00. Bp. 12. district. Böszörményi u 24. (Thursday) Hungarian World Evening.
- 1 February 2014, from 15:00 Vegan Day, from 16:30 "Community for Our Existence" presentation, Kaposvár, Fő u.3.
- 7 February 2014 at 18:00 Érd, Alsó utca 54.
- 8 February 2014 18.00 Tata, Váralja utca 2/b. Golden Moon Yoga Centre. (Positive People's Day event).
- 9 February 2014 16 h. Tata, Oxygen Lifestyle Club, Tata, Ady E. u. 75.
- Saturday 08 March 2014, 16.00 h. Tata Ady Endre u. 75.
- Sunday, 09 March 2014, 16.00 h. Tata, Oxygen Lifestyle Club, Tata, Ady E. u. 75.
- Wednesday 12 March 2014 at 15.15 hrs. 1173 Bp. Akác virág u. 49 (Green building). Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Ált. School and High School. Go up the stairs between the two-storey buildings, next to the playground, to the building on the right, room 204 (1 and 2)
- 12 March 2014 Wednesday 17.30. Radio St. Crown. Talk about the Community for Our Future.
- 28.04.2014 Monday de. 10 am. Érd, Talabor u. 1/A (at the corner of Talabor and Nyitra street in the Wine Bar) (1. and 2.)
- Thursday 01.05.2014 from 9 am to 2 pm. Győrsövényház, Gárdonyi u. 6. (Vadrózsa Waldorf Primary School and Kindergarten, "St. George's Day") Presentation, tasting.
- Thursday 01.05.2014 at 14.30. Lébény, Akácfa u. 76.
- 2014. 05. 08. thursday 18.00 h. Lébény, Akácfa u. 76.
- Thursday, 15.05.2014, 6:00 p.m. 6500 Baja, Széchenyi István u. Belvárosi Community House (former Officer's Club) (1. and 2.)
- 28. 03. 2015 (Saturday) 16.00. Atma Buda Vegetarian Restaurant and Pizzeria 1027 Budapest Bakfark Bálint utca (Access: tram 4-6 Széna tér stop or M2 Széll Kálmán tér)
- 14.03.2015 (Saturday) 17. 00. Atma Buda Vegetarian Restaurant and Pizzeria 1027 Budapest Bakfark Bálint utca (Access: tram 4-6 Széna tér stop or M2 Széll Kálmán tér)
- 28.02.2015 (Saturday) 17. 00. Atma Buda Vegetarian Restaurant and Pizzeria 1027 Budapest Bakfark Bálint utca (Access: tram 4-6 Széna tér stop or M2 Széll Kálmán tér)
- 14.02.2015 (Saturday) 17. 00. Atma Buda Vegetarian Restaurant and Pizzeria 1027 Budapest Bakfark Bálint utca (Access: tram 4-6 Széna tér stop or M2 Széll Kálmán tér)
- 31.01.2015 (Saturday) 17. 00. Atma Buda Vegetarian Restaurant and Pizzeria 1027 Budapest Bakfark Bálint utca (Access: tram 4-6 Széna tér stop or M2 Széll Kálmán tér)
- 11.01.2015.(Sunday) 17. 00. Atma Buda Vegetarian Restaurant and Pizzeria 1027 Budapest Bakfark Bálint utca 1-3
- 21 December 2014 (Sunday) JÉGKERT 1027 Budapest, Bakfark Bálint u 2.
- 4 December 2014 (Thursday) Food tasting, product demonstration and fair! "Budapest's First Evening Market" in Király Street 8-10, District VI, EVERY Thursday between 13 and 21 hours.
- 21 November 2014 NGO, MMSZ Social Marketing Section event (Food tasting for our existence)
- 26 August 2014 (Tuesday) 19:00 Székesfehérvár, Országzászló tér, (in case of rain: Miss Tee Teabolt, Székesfehérvár, Ady Endre u. 32. 1st floor)
- Tuesday 15 July 2014 Nádasdy Restaurant Sárvár Nádasdy utca 64. 18:00 h
- 2014 16 July Wednesday Nádasdy Restaurant Sárvár Nádasdy utca 64. 18:00
- Thursday 17 July 2014 Herényiek House Szombathely Béke tér. 7. 18:00 h
Life Today, Life Tomorrow. Come find out what you live in, what is waiting for you. With tasting
- Friday 18th July 2014 Kristóf József Nádasdy u. 9. 10:00 am
- 28-29.06.2014 Kosd. Village Day
- 28.06.2014 (Saturday) 14.30 h 5310 Tata, Váralja u. 2-4.
- 02.07.2014 (Wednesday) 10.00 h. 8172 Balatonakarattya Koppány row 41.
- 19.06.2014 (Thursday) 6.00 p.m. 6440 Jánoshalma, Kossuth u. 3.
- 29. 05. 2014 (Thursday). 11.00. 4024 Debrecen, Piac utca 26/a III. floor (Berki Lászlóné)
- 28. 05. 2014 (Wednesday) at 18.00 h 5310 Kisújszállás, Petőfi utca 5.
-15 May 2014 (Thursday), 6:00 pm. 6500 Baja, Széchenyi István u. 6.
- 12.04.2014. de. 10 am Bezi Municipality, 9162 Bezi, Szabadság út 59.
- 2014.04.12. 14 h Markotabödöge, Pensioners Club 9164 Markotabödöge, Fő út (1. and 2.)
- 2014.04.12. 17 h Győrsövényház IKSZT new building, 9161 Győrsövényház, Gárdonyi út 6.
- 2014.04.13. 16 h Fehértó Ökormányzat Great Hall, 9163 Fehértó, Dózsa tér 5.
- 2014.04.13. 17.30 h Lébény IKSZT Community House, 9155 Lébény, Akácfa u. 76.
- Saturday, 29 March 2014, 15:40-16:30. Budapest 1062 Andrássy u. 98.
- 16 February 2014 (Sunday) 5.30 pm. Budapest, Alkotás u. 7/a 1st floor (bell with flowers)
- 20 February 2014 at 18.00. Bp. 12. district. Böszörményi u 24. (Thursday) Hungarian World Evening.
- 1 February 2014, from 15:00 Vegan Day, from 16:30 "Community for Our Existence" presentation, Kaposvár, Fő u.3.
- 7 February 2014 at 18:00 Érd, Alsó utca 54.
- 8 February 2014 18.00 Tata, Váralja utca 2/b. Golden Moon Yoga Centre (Positive People's Day event).
- 9 February 2014 16 h. Tata, Oxygen Lifestyle Club, Tata, Ady E. u. 75.
- Saturday 08 March 2014, 16.00 h. Tata Ady Endre u. 75.
- Sunday, 09 March 2014, 16.00 h. Tata, Oxygen Lifestyle Club, Tata, Ady E. u. 75.
- Wednesday 12 March 2014 at 15.15 hrs. 1173 Bp. Akác virág u. 49 (Green building). Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Ált. School and High School. Go up the stairs between the two-storey buildings, next to the playground, to the building on the right, room 204 (1 and 2)
- 12 March 2014 Wednesday 17.30. Radio St. Crown. Talk about the Community for Our Future.
- 28.04.2014 Monday de. 10 am. Érd, Talabor u. 1/A (at the corner of Talabor and Nyitra street in the Wine Bar) (1. and 2.)
- Thursday 01.05.2014 from 9 am to 2 pm. Győrsövényház, Gárdonyi u. 6. (Vadrózsa Waldorf Primary School and Kindergarten, "St. George's Day") Presentation, tasting.
- Thursday 01.05.2014 at 14.30. Lébény, Akácfa u. 76.
- 2014. 05. 08. thursday 18.00 h. Lébény, Akácfa u. 76.
- Thursday, 15.05.2014, 6:00 p.m. 6500 Baja, Széchenyi István u. Belvárosi Community House (former Officer's Club) (1. and 2.)
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Százhalombatta Community Centre
6 June 2006 14. 00 hrs.
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Boldogasszonfa Cultural Centre
7 June 2006, 6 p.m.
"About God as we have never heard"
Árpád Egyűd Culture House in Kaposvár
08 June 2006 17. 30. hour
Room 19
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
12 June 2006 16:00
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Bogád House of Culture
14 June 2006 18:00
"A way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
Csurgonagymarton House of Culture
03 July 2006 18: 00 h
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
23. august 2006. 18:00 h
"Way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
September 2006. 04. 19: 00 hrs
"The way out of illness, depression and hopeless situations"
With the title
07 September 2006 15:00 hrs
University of Agriculture
"Life without pain, drugs and depression"
The lecture will show from the physical, tangible, why people's lives are the way they are. Slideshow presentation with an opportunity to ask questions at the end.
Kaposvár, Pécsi u. 209.
12.02.2007, 17.00 h.
"Who am I and why is the world like this?"
How you can discover your true "I" and see the world as perfect, without ever feeling any compulsion to change or criticize anything.
Kaposvár, Pécsi u. 209.
"The creative power of thought"
Interactive lecture. Anyone can intervene, ask questions, guide the course of the lecture.
How is the physical world built?
Kaposvár, Pécsi u. 209.
29.06.2007, 18.00 h.
"On happiness, disappointment"
Interactive lecture. Anyone can intervene, ask questions, guide the course of the lecture.
The "I" as OK.
Kaposvár, Pécsi u. 209.
25.07.2007. 17.00 h.
Politics, religion, morality
Interactive lecture. Anyone can intervene, ask questions, guide the course of the lecture.
On politics, religion, the desire to conform... from a different perspective.
Kaposvár, Pécsi u. 209.
2007.09.02. 17.00 hrs