The story of our first personal training

fool with a goat

Health and ideal body weight in one pack!

The story of our first personal training

Reviews, lower down!

Health and ideal body weight in one pack!

The story of our first personal training

Reviews, lower down!


The story of our first personal training

The (Healing Nourishments) not only designed to help you regain and maintain your good health, but also to lose weight without starving”

Over the years, I have been approached by many people for different reasons. There was a time when I didn't have a moment's peace because if they saw me somewhere, they wanted to exchange a few words with me, and by the time I was finished, the next one would be waiting for me to come.


In a nutshell!
I present a 14-day experiment and with it my notes on it, which monitored day by day the effects of "HEALING NOURISHMENTS" on a man who wanted to lose 132 kg.

Day 1:

Food pitcure
Open Days


Attila's statement:

My experience with the "HEALING NOURISHMENTS" (the story of a strange diet)

I first became acquainted with Győző's work about a year and a half ago, through a mutual friend who was cooking for him. I became interested in the subject because it had been on my mind for years. More and more I felt that I needed to change my eating habits because I was doing something wrong. I realized this because I was becoming increasingly unhappy, I was gaining weight, and I was indulging in more and more of whatever food was pleasing to the eye. All this was, in fact, mainly the result of a recent relationship trauma, although in truth I have had this fluctuating weight problem all my life. Up one day, down the next. After the last big trauma, the pounds went up, not down. After a while I saw that this was not going well, it was leading to death, and I thought, I have more to do on this earth, I have more work to do, so I have to stop this process.



I trust that our "Subject" is truly satisfied. I have come to know him as an honest, open, direct, and kind-hearted man, so I am happy to believe that everything is as he described it. His nature is perhaps like nature... a bit like the weather to be precise. His emotional default setting makes him volatile... sometimes even stormy. He is a bit of a doubter, cautious about what he believes. I'm not surprised, since the many conversations revealed a lot, including that he has good reason to doubt and be cautious.

